Buy a handpan in Konstanz
Do you want to buy a handpan in Konstanz? Unfortunately, we don't currently have a shop in Konstanz, but on our website you can find all the information you need to know about buying a handpan - what's important, what you need to consider.
And of course you can still buy a handpan from us in Konstanz: easy and comfortably in our online handpan shop, we will deliver your handpan to Konstanz free of charge, where you can test it out extensively and in peace - if you don't like it, just send the handpan back to us from Konstanz within 14 days and get your money back.
Of course, we're there to help you before, during and after your purchase with professional advice and after-sales services, contact us easily by phone, WhatsApp chat or email.
Your advantages
Just buy your handpan in Konstanz online
Large selection & competent advice
Do you have any questions about our large selection? We are happy to answer your questions by phone, WhatsApp or email.
Because we want you to be satisfied, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. Test your handpan in Konstanz risk-free for 2 weeks in your home.
Fast delivery
We will deliver your handpan quickly and safely to Konstanz – via DHL. We have most handpans in stock and ship them no later than one day after your order.
Events & partner
Handpan events and our partners in Konstanz
We would also like to offer you information on handpan lessons and handpan workshops in Konstanz, as well as dates for handpan events and concerts in Konstanz. We will continuously update the page with information so that you always know what Konstanz has to offer for handpan enthusiasts.
Handpan workshops in and around Konstanz
Handpan events and concerts in Konstanz
Our handpan partner in Konstanz
Rent a handpan in Konstanz
Do you want to rent a handpan in Konstanz? This is of course also possible in our online shop, you can rent the handpans for 15 or 30 days and we will send them to you in Konstanz.
Rent a handpan