Manuel Schönthaler

Manuel Schönthaler
Fajã da Ovelha / Madeira
Lezioni private, Prova gli handpan, Corsi online, Workshops, Concerti

Manuel Stefan Schönthaler is an author, coach and podcaster and has been actively playing drums and percussion as a musician and sound & trauma healer for over 25 years. He discovered his love for the handpan at the beginning of 2021 when he traveled to Portugal for the first time, where he soon discovered the island of Madeira, where he now lives. He now gives handpan workshops, concerts, sound and trauma healings and will offer the first handpan retreats there in 2025. The first Madeira Handpan Festival is scheduled to take place in 2026. On site, he not only rents and sells the handpans from the Sound Sculpture portfolio, but also offers courses and private lessons, which are also available online. Manuel can also be booked as a musician, sound & trauma healer.

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